Monday, July 23, 2018

Was Archaeopteryx a Missing Link?

by Betty Jackson

The following article is a section especially for teachers from my class material, We Believe Because... Research has shown that many young people begin to lose their faith in the integrity of the Bible before they even reach high school. No wonder since evolutionary propaganda is taught in schools, as well as through other mediums, at very early grades. This section is part of a lesson on the design of birds. Where there is a design, there must be a designer! My hope is that this article will be helpful.

Evolutionists astound us with their wild claims that mutations and adaptations, along with eons of time, produced our “fine feathered friends.” They believe that birds are the offspring of reptiles. Consider the following information from Wayne Jackson: 
 Believing that all organisms have derived from a primitive life source, evolutionists contend that the fossil record contains proof for their theory. They claim that intermediate life-forms, which supposedly bridge the gaps between the various kinds of living creatures, are revealed in the fossils of the earth. One such transitional link is said to be Archaeopteryx, a strange and extinct bird. George G. Simpson, popularly known as ‘Mr. Evolution,’ declared that Archaeopteryx is ‘the most famous intermediate…between reptiles and birds… The oldest known reptilian except in one respect: They had feathered wings’ (Simpson, Pittendrigh, Tiffany, Life–An Introduction to Biology, 1957, pp. 31, 591).
While it appears to be true that this ancient creature had some features which are common to both birds and reptiles, this by no means establishes an evolutionary link between the two groups. That link exists only in the mind of evolutionists. Note the following facts: 
(1) Archaeopteryx had feathers similar to modern birds.
(2) Modern birds lived at the same time as Archaeopteryx. Since such was the case, that creature could not have been a link towards the development of modern birds.
(3) It is said that Archaeopteryx had claws on its wings – supposedly an exclusively reptilian trait. However, several modern birds (not considered transitional links) also have claws on their wings. The ostrich is an example.
Some evolutionary scientists even admit that Archaeopteryx is not a missing link in the evolutionary chain. W. E. Swinton wrote: ‘There is no fossil evidence of the stages through which the remarkable change from reptile to bird was achieved’ (Biology and Comparative Physiology in Birds, 1960, p. 1). That would exclude Archaeopteryx! And so, the missing links are just that – missing!”(Archaeopteryx—A Missing Link That’s Still Missing - out of print)

Each species of birds has beaks or bills particularly designed for their life styles. For example, the woodpecker has an especially pointed and hard beak with cushioning tissue between his bill and skull to absorb the shock. Just imagine the scenario if evolution were true. Woodpeckers with dislocated and broken necks, shattered heads, etc. would litter the forest floor.
Others would be flying dizzily about with splitting headaches! If evolution were true, there would be no woodpeckers, for the first attempts to develop into such creatures would have been quickly abandoned. Evolution is simply without basis.
As we consider the marvels of the bird family, we cannot but be awed by the Lord’s creative genius and power. Birds possess so many amazing characteristics. Consider what it takes for a bird to fly: special wing design, lightweight skeletal system of hollow, porous bones, and feathers.Think about the mysteries of migratory patterns; ponder over the unique respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. Enjoy the wonderful ability of songbirds. Puzzle over the engineering feats of nest construction. How can we not know that “the Lord He is God” (Psalms 100:3)!

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all. 
        Cecil Francis Alexander

Recommended Reading

Jackson, Wayne. "Those Missing Links." Access date: July 23, 2018.

Jackson, Jason. "Evaluating Evolution in Plain English." Access date: July 23, 2018.

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