Monday, July 23, 2018

Was Archaeopteryx a Missing Link?

by Betty Jackson

The following article is a section especially for teachers from my class material, We Believe Because... Research has shown that many young people begin to lose their faith in the integrity of the Bible before they even reach high school. No wonder since evolutionary propaganda is taught in schools, as well as through other mediums, at very early grades. This section is part of a lesson on the design of birds. Where there is a design, there must be a designer! My hope is that this article will be helpful.

Evolutionists astound us with their wild claims that mutations and adaptations, along with eons of time, produced our “fine feathered friends.” They believe that birds are the offspring of reptiles. Consider the following information from Wayne Jackson: 
 Believing that all organisms have derived from a primitive life source, evolutionists contend that the fossil record contains proof for their theory. They claim that intermediate life-forms, which supposedly bridge the gaps between the various kinds of living creatures, are revealed in the fossils of the earth. One such transitional link is said to be Archaeopteryx, a strange and extinct bird. George G. Simpson, popularly known as ‘Mr. Evolution,’ declared that Archaeopteryx is ‘the most famous intermediate…between reptiles and birds… The oldest known reptilian except in one respect: They had feathered wings’ (Simpson, Pittendrigh, Tiffany, Life–An Introduction to Biology, 1957, pp. 31, 591).
While it appears to be true that this ancient creature had some features which are common to both birds and reptiles, this by no means establishes an evolutionary link between the two groups. That link exists only in the mind of evolutionists. Note the following facts: 
(1) Archaeopteryx had feathers similar to modern birds.
(2) Modern birds lived at the same time as Archaeopteryx. Since such was the case, that creature could not have been a link towards the development of modern birds.
(3) It is said that Archaeopteryx had claws on its wings – supposedly an exclusively reptilian trait. However, several modern birds (not considered transitional links) also have claws on their wings. The ostrich is an example.
Some evolutionary scientists even admit that Archaeopteryx is not a missing link in the evolutionary chain. W. E. Swinton wrote: ‘There is no fossil evidence of the stages through which the remarkable change from reptile to bird was achieved’ (Biology and Comparative Physiology in Birds, 1960, p. 1). That would exclude Archaeopteryx! And so, the missing links are just that – missing!”(Archaeopteryx—A Missing Link That’s Still Missing - out of print)

Each species of birds has beaks or bills particularly designed for their life styles. For example, the woodpecker has an especially pointed and hard beak with cushioning tissue between his bill and skull to absorb the shock. Just imagine the scenario if evolution were true. Woodpeckers with dislocated and broken necks, shattered heads, etc. would litter the forest floor.
Others would be flying dizzily about with splitting headaches! If evolution were true, there would be no woodpeckers, for the first attempts to develop into such creatures would have been quickly abandoned. Evolution is simply without basis.
As we consider the marvels of the bird family, we cannot but be awed by the Lord’s creative genius and power. Birds possess so many amazing characteristics. Consider what it takes for a bird to fly: special wing design, lightweight skeletal system of hollow, porous bones, and feathers.Think about the mysteries of migratory patterns; ponder over the unique respiratory, digestive, and nervous systems. Enjoy the wonderful ability of songbirds. Puzzle over the engineering feats of nest construction. How can we not know that “the Lord He is God” (Psalms 100:3)!

All things bright and beautiful,
All creatures great and small,
All things wise and wonderful,
The Lord God made them all. 
        Cecil Francis Alexander

Recommended Reading

Jackson, Wayne. "Those Missing Links." Access date: July 23, 2018.

Jackson, Jason. "Evaluating Evolution in Plain English." Access date: July 23, 2018.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Atheist Children

by Betty Jackson
According to a recent survey by the Barna Group, youngsters of the United States between ages 13-18 (labeled as Generation Z) claim to be atheists. Barna states the percentage of this unbelieving generation is double that of adults. How firm these children are in disbelief is surely not knowable in this kind of survey. But it is no surprise that many of them are leaning toward atheism. The viral propaganda against belief in God is so pervasive. It is in the classroom, on television, social media, etc.

We will briefly consider the reasons given by these polled young people, and the increasing secularism/unbelief among the general population. We have listed numerous articles to supplement the brevity here.

The primary reason these youngsters gave for their atheism is the fact of evil and suffering in our world. Surely, it is mused, there must be no God, or he wouldn’t allow evil and suffering to exist. This issue is problematic for many people, including believers in an Almighty God. Instead of jumping to the conclusion that God doesn’t exist because there is suffering and evil, the foremost question is: What is the evidence, if any, for the existence of Deity?

Where there is design, there must be a designer; where there is an effect there must be an adequate cause. Our universe, our bodies contain the very evidence of a great Cause and Designer. The visible evidence for an invisible great mind and power that created all there is leads the reasoning and honest person to belief in God (Rom. 1:19-21). Wayne Jackson explains, “In Romans 1, Paul employed this type of reasoning to contend for the Creator’s existence. ‘For the invisible things of him since the creation of the world, are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even his everlasting power and deity; that they may be without excuse’ (v. 20). By observing the intricacies of the visible creation (the obvious design, orchestration, etc.), one is expected to reason to the invisible, i.e., an ultimate, intelligent Cause exists.The logic is so transparent that to fail to reason in this fashion, Paul says, is inexcusable!” (

God has communicated to us by the Bible. How do we know that? There is plenty of evidence for its inspiration. It is the genuine Word. A study of this amazing Book will show its supernatural unity, though written over a period of 1500 or more years. The writers were from different backgrounds and experiences. There is scientific accuracy and foreknowledge, fulfilled prophecies, etc. All these point to the integrity of the Book as God’s Scripture. (cf. Wayne Jackson. The Holy Bible Inspired of God—A Look at the Evidence.

Can we answer the question: Why is there a suffering in the world today? If we believe that the evidence is so strong for the existence of God that it cannot be denied (prima facie case), there must be a satisfying answer. At least enough to accept that God is; and that he loves and acts on behalf of his people, in spite of things we don’t understand. What can we learn from his Holy Word?

When Adam and Eve chose to sin, they brought death upon their offspring, that is you and me (Gen. 2:15-17; 3). Disease and violations of natural laws lead to death. The earth itself has “suffered” the consequences of mankind’s sins. It isn’t the same pure globe it was before the fall. For example, there is geological evidence for a moderate climate upon all of the earth before the Flood in Noah’s day. Since then there are turbulent storms and weather extremes. 

Because of God’s love (1 Jon. 4:8), we have been created with the power of personal choice. We are not robots geared to behave with no ability to make decisions. However, choices often lead to sufferings of various kinds for ourselves and others. For example alcohol and other drugs lead to a variety of heartaches: automobile accidents that kill or maim, family abuse, immorality, financial ruin, prison terms, and general unhappiness and depression. The lives of children are affected by the choices of their parents. 

The acceptance of the theory of evolution as fact is a huge factor contributing to the growing disbelief in God. If one is simply a beast without a soul, there is no room for the demands of the Lord. The desire for unrestrained behaviors, without accountability, makes evolution an attractive idea to some. With evolution comes a disregard for human life (e.g. abortion). The fact is there is no proof for evolution as the creative power behind all that is. If nothing ever existed, there would be nothing now. Life comes from life.

The children surveyed also listed hypocrisy among churches/Christians as a “reason” for their unbelief. This is probably the most shallow of excuses. However, it reminds us that we do not live “on an island” alone. We are seen. Yes, many people look for a weakness in others, and will find it or misjudge. But we must do our best not to behave in ways that bring disgrace to the cause of Christ (cf. 1 Peter 2:11-12). Yet, people who claim hypocrisy is the reason for their unbelief, seem to ignore the many good people who are exemplary of God’s influence in their lives. There are hypocrites in all walks of life, but that doesn’t keep us from going to the doctor or buying an automobile, home etc.

Guardians of the world’s children are their major influences, especially early in life. What are parents, grandparents, teachers doing? Do we live like Jesus commands? Do we communicate with children about God in a deep manner? Are we careful to watch over our youngsters to help them cultivate good companions? How much time is spent having fun or on media devices, versus time spent in service to the Lord or studying his word? Parenting is a responsibility; we will be held accountable. The lifestyle of many parents is focused upon the temporal. It is more important to spend time with our offspring, than it is earning and buying “stuff."

The vulnerability of our youth is often under-estimated. We are swimming upstream against a world culture. Unless we prioritize the spiritual needs of ourselves and our children, we will “drown.” Just taking our kids to worship is not enough. A couple of hours a week in formal church services will not create an armor against the wiles of the devil, in all his craftiness (Eph. 6:10-16). Though influential, the preacher, elders, youth minister, Bible class teachers cannot replace parents. The inspired Moses wrote the words of God: “And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up” (Emphasis mine. Deut. 6:4-9). It takes time, lots of time, to plant the word of God in our own hearts, and the hearts of our children. How much time is left?

Recommended Reading
Wayne Jackson:
Penetrating Questions From the Book of Job.

Jason Jackson: 

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