About Betty Jackson

On May 9, 1960, I was baptized into Christ. None of my immediate family were Christians. Since then, each of them obeyed the gospel. In 1961, my life took a very different direction, when Wayne Jackson chose me to be his bride. (He says I chose him, and he didn’t have a chance!)  After 52 years of working together in the Lord with the East Main St. congregation of Stockton, California, we are just as eager to keep on keeping on doing our best to serve God and teach his word.

Our lives have been so immensely blessed by our three children, Joy, Jared and Jason. Upon hearing that our firstborn was a girl (no sonograms in those days), I cried, “Oh, a daughter for me!” She is a godly, talented, hard working Proverb’s woman, who supported her husband, George Jensen, in the very difficult life of missionary work in Africa for five years with their four precious children, who are so loved by their Nanna. I have admired her tenacity with awe for her sacrifices in a third world country. Today, they work with a new congregation in Hawesville, Kentucky. Their daughter, Julia is married to Lee Parish, a gospel preacher, in Marlow, Oklahoma. They have been blessed with a one year old son, Jeremiah. Lindsey married Alex Warnes from Denver. He is the minister for the church of Christ in Denison, Texas. Luke and Jacob Jensen are both good Christian men, faithful workers for the Lord. George and Joy have taught their children to love the Lord and to be soul winners.

Our eldest son is Jared Jackson, married to Sandy, a sweetheart from Alabama. They have two great Christian sons, Nicholas and Matthew, who are so precious to me. Their spiritual interest is keen, reflecting the parenting they are receiving. Jared is multi-talented. He taught school when he came back to Stockton, after graduating from Freed-Hardeman University. I believe by Providence, he now works full time with Christian Courier Publications. If it weren’t for Jared’s foresight and skill, there would be no Courier on the Web.

Jason is our youngest son. Without overmuch praise, I must say that he is a devoted man of the Word, and a talented preacher of the gospel. I have told him many times how wonderful it is to be taught by my son, as I am each week. Out of his own near death experiences, he was compelled to write Stronger than Ever. Jason found the love of his life in Alabama too. His precious “helpmeet” is Jill Jackson. She is talented and supportive in every way. They have three bright and spiritually minded daughters, Natalie, Kara Beth, and Allison, whom I adore.

I can’t say enough about my daughter-in-laws. I am so very blessed for they have demonstrated their love for me in many ways. More than that they are servants in the kingdom of the Lord. They are both bright, hospitable, talented and loving servants. They have lovingly sacrificed to homeschool their children.

As for me, I enjoy teaching Christian Evidences to children. I have written a series of lessons called We Believe Because... The first printing was well received. We have been unable to have it republished just yet, due to financial restraints. Perhaps we will be able to do that before long. I also have an unpublished series for older children titled, Reasoning to Believe, which is designed to give reasons for belief in God and his word and for rejecting the theory of evolution.

I have had opportunities to do some public speaking for women. There have been some special memories for me as I was blessed by the good ladies in the audiences.
I would love to garden! I would love to sew! However those things have taken a back seat to many other responsibilities. So many things we would like to do, but priorities make the choices.

I pray that our efforts with Women of Hope will be of some value and encouragement to you