Saturday, July 17, 2021

Will Your Child Keep the Faith?

by Betty Jackson

The grip of unbelief is carrying our children away from the Lord. Are we unaware that humanism fostered by evolutionary propaganda has infiltrated the thinking of many young people? 

Research by David Kinnaman revealed that “three out of ten young adults with a “Christian background” feel that “churches are out of step with the scientific world we live in” (29%).  Another one-quarter embrace the perception that “Christianity is anti-science.” And nearly the same proportion (23%) said they have been “turned off by the creation-versus-evolution debate.” (cf.

In his book, Already Gone, Ken Ham reported that some young people began losing their faith during the middle grades. Evolution was aggressively taught as a fact and that the Bible contradicts science. In a companion book, Already Compromised, Mr. Ham indicts numerous so-called “Christian universities.”  Many schools across the country, both denominational and those affiliated with the church of Christ are no longer strictly creationist. (cf.

Evolution with all of its tenets is the tool of humanistic predators. In 1930, Charles F. Potter, the founder of the First Humanistic Society of New York, wrote, “Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism, and every American school is a school of humanism. What can a theistic Sunday school’s meeting for an hour once a week and teaching only a fraction of the children do to stem the tide of the five-day program of humanistic teaching?” (cf.

Humanist John J. Dunphy wrote, “I am convinced that the battle for humankind’s future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselytizers of a new faith… These teachers must … be ministers of another sort, utilizing a classroom instead of a pulpit to convey humanist values in whatever subject they teach, regardless of the educational level …  The classroom must and will become an arena of conflict between the old and the new — the rotting corpse of Christianity, together with all its adjacent evils and misery, and the new faith of humanism.” (Dunphy, John, A Religion for a New Age, Humanist, Jan. - Feb. 1983, p. 26. See at:

Isolation of our children will not protect them. Christianity is based on facts and reason (See Romans 1:20-21.) We need to prepare ourselves to teach children how to think logically. Otherwise, Charles F. Potter will be right—an hour a week will not be enough to keep our children from drowning in the mire of evolution and humanism propaganda. 

The fact is the fruits of atheism are discernible in world-wide culture. “Atheism is a bleak, worthless ideology. It robs the brain of reason, the conscience of moral guidance, the mind of tranquility, and the soul of hope.” (Wayne Jackson:

Let us as parents, grandparents, Bible class teachers, youth ministers, church leaders seek to counter Satan’s working, snatching our children out of the fire of humanism. (cf. Jude 23). We cannot stand by and just let it happen. 


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Wayne Jackson:

Jason Jackson: